Your First Float
As you enter your private mineral spa, your body is gently cradled by the warm salt water. You are instantly weightless, floating peacefully and effortlessly on your back. Enjoying the freedom from light, noise, and gravity, your body relaxes and releases the tension it holds. Your mind stops chattering and brainwave activity is reduced, resulting in a deep state of mental and physical relaxation. You are now in a stress-free world of limitless potential, unaware of time and space. Your healing has begun.
While floating motionless, feel what goes on inside your body, mind, and spirit. In this loving, accepting, and supportive atmosphere, you are free to think, be, or feel whatever you wish. An hour passes like several minutes. As if awakening from a deep sleep or therapeutic massage, you are renewed and relaxed. You will come out glowing and radiant. Your skin will be toned and refreshed. Your mind will be clear and alert. The night after a float, you will sleep deeply and comfortably. A feeling of well-being will stay with you for days.

Our Therapeutic Environment
Over 40 years of research and engineering have gone into the design of our mineral spas. Our therapeutic environment is safe, healthful, and fun. We are part of an alliance of facilities around the world who have chosen the High-Tech Float Spa open environment. It is a luxuriously arranged spa, easy to use, complete with private shower, dressing area, and all amenities for your comfort and enjoyment. Our spa is sanitary; purified before and after every visit. Of particular interest is the large 4 x 8-foot spa itself, with a high ceiling, fresh air vent, sliding door, and controlled light and music. This state-of-the-art design lends to the feeling of spaciousness and comfort. A complete orientation including a short video is provided.